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"In Pursuit of the Truth" 
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This course is designed to give you a deeper insight into the world of paranormal investigation. If you are a skeptic, but possess an open mind, you will discover that paranormal investigation is similar to the process of forensic investigation. Essential characteristics of a paranormal investigation require a cautious approach backed up with scientific methodology.

The provided information will prepare you to establish yourself as a leading source when families are plagued by the possibility of ghosts, poltergeists or other haunting specters. We will study the different types of paranormal activities, a typical case study of a "Haunting", the essential investigating equipment, the investigating process and how to deal with the aftermath of an investigation. This course will also include a list of research centers, associations and web sites of interest to a potential or seasoned paranormal investigator.

Available Courses
Learn How to be a Paranormal Investigator in very little time!

By successfully completing this course, students will be able to:

* Define what a paranormal  investigation is and what it consists of.
* Describe a typical scenario.
* Identify the investigating essentials.
* Describe the procedures to follow in conducting an investigation.
* Summarize what to do if you find evidence of paranormal activities.
* Describe how to know when the job is done, and
* Demonstrate mastery of lesson content at levels of 70% or higher.